Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers Day Project

So did all you Mum's out there have a good Mothers Day? Get time off? Put your feet up? Well I got quite spoilt.

During the day Neil and Sarah disappeared. I could hear Neil sawing, hammering and pottering in the shed. And Sarah seemed very happy pottering round with him. I left them to it for a while and then when up to see what was going on. They were busy making something......so I went away.
A while later they emerged with a new Peg Basket for me. It had to be painted....so they did that. Here are some pics of the finished product.

Sarah painted this side.

Neil painted this side.

See how it hangs on the line....and I can move it along the line or take it off the line too if I want.
A very handy gift.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spaghetti or Spelling

After I finished my dinner one night - I got up to start the dishes, leaving Neil helping Sarah to finish her meal. When I went back to clear a few dishes I found.....

Since starting School - Sarah now points out every "S" in sight and says "There's my name Mummy". She makes an S out of everything.

So...Card Making is not the only reason I have a plastic table cloth!