It was all action in the house-hold this morning as Sarah was starting School. (Kindy). The Kindy is attached to the School - so it gets the kids into the school routine straight away. Today, Sarah just did a half day....and next week will be two half days. But from then on she will go for 2 x full days and 1 x half day.
She got all ready in her school uniform, play-lunch and bag packed and off we went. She was quite excited.
When we got to school - the Teachers were there to greet us. Mrs Hewton & Mrs Olejnik.
The children were allowed to play in the room for a little bit - while everyone arrived. Sarah asked me to stay for a bit - so I took a seat while she discovered the room.
Then one of the little girls that she went to Daycare with came in.....so they chatted together. Then Sarah came over and said "You can go now Mummy" So I gave her a kiss and off I went.
As I left - the Teacher handed me a survival kit.
Inside was a note that said.....Here is a little "gift" for you as you leave your precious one with us on the first day of school. The soft cotton ball will help you to remember the gentle spirit of your child. After you've gone home and dried your tears with the tissue, make yourself a hot cup of tea. Enjoy the Mintie, because it's "Moments like these" you need them. Put up your feet and relax.
It made me laugh....but that's not what I did when I got home!